Monday, January 21, 2019

Faster than a speeding.....

Good morning, America!

9 pm. here in China and your Band has had a final experience with the incredible Chinese Bullet Trains!  We began with a late morning for some, while for others, a chance to ride bikes atop the Ancient City Wall of Xi'an.  Pictures will come - your writer chose the "relax option" and stayed back at the hotel with about 18 others who preferred a few moments of sleep and quiet.  :-)  In other words, no photos, because I didn't go!

At 11 am we gathered all of our things into the bus and an accompanying luggage van to head off to the Xi'an Train Station and our 1:30
departure for Beijing.  These train stations are huge (HUGE) and it amazes me every time that we can even find where we're going....and this time, we had to locate the luggage van in an entirely separate area of the station from where we were dropped.  There are very strict rules about what kinds of vehicles can enter the departure area, and luggage vans do not make that list.  Anyway, we all got through the check-in process, security and the crowds and found a spot near our gate where we could circle the wagons (luggage that is) and allow people some 45 minutes to wander prior to boarding the train.   As you can see in the photo, I simply indicated that we could take turns watching luggage while others left and "Poof!" - the entire gang was gone.  I assumed (and later found out) that most headed to McDonalds - right above where I stood with the goods.  :-)   Good things come to those who wait, however, and I got my "fix" too.  Just later than everyone else!

The train today took us a distance of more than 675 miles (roughly Sioux Falls to Denver) in 4 hours and 30 minutes at speeds up to 190 mph.  WOW.  Crazy thing - you just don't "feel" the speed - you don't really even notice the movement.  These trains are sooooo smooth.  They are packed today too, as it's the beginning of the great migration of Chinese people heading "home" for the Chinese New Year. 

There is so much "new" along the way between
All new - and growing!
these cities.  We'd pass cities of 6 million and hardly bat an eye.  But then think about it - NYC and LA could fit into Chongqing.  And Shanghai.  And Beijing.  It appears that the construction business is where you want to be as everywhere along the way were new high-rises for living, new roads, new urban areas, incredible architecture and more.  It's as if China is all brand new!  That said, today took us through the heart of farmland too.  Looked very much like home.  Also have to mention the very blue skies today.  We hear so much about pollution in China, and yes, it's a serious thing.  So it's lovely to be able to see blue skies and to be able to see so very far.  Maybe it's our South Dakota-ness, but that open sky feels good!

The mountains are about 100 miles away...
Tonight, we're safe and sound in Beijing and looking forward to the next few days of incredible sights and our final concert.  


  1. So grateful for your entertaining posts and ALL you've done to make this opportunity happen! -Sophie's mom

  2. You are sooo welcome. I appreciate the kind words! It's fun to do when the systems works! :-)
